30 Drum Loops all at 128 bpm in the forms of: Full drum set, hi-hat only, kick drum and clap only, no kick drum, and lastly percussion only. 30 contrasting Synth Loops at 127 bpm that can allow more versatility, 30 more aggressive Synth Loops at 128 bpm, 30 pounding Bass Loops at 127 bpm, 30 more aggressive Bass Loops at 128 bpm, 30 Pad Loops at 127 bpm, 20 clean and bumping Bass Shots, 20 more Synth Shots which can be used to alter the flow of Your musical works, 20 loud and crisp Hi-Hat Shots, 20 clear Kick Shots, 20 heavy resounding Ride Shots, 20 warm Snare Shots, 20 segmented Clap Shots in various patterns of three and then one, etc. These could be manipulated at your will. 20 Percussion Shots, 30 efx, 6 Battery Sampler Patches, 46 NNXT Sampler Patches, 46 EXS24 Sampler Patches and 46 KONTAKT Sampler Patches.
30 drum loop 128bpm divided in Full/nokick/perc/Hat/Kick&CLcap
30 bass loops 127
30 bass loops 128
30 pad loops 127
30 synth loops 127
30 synth loops 128
20 hat shots
20 kick shots
20 clap shots
20 snare shots
20 ride shots
20 percent shots
20 bass shots
20 synth shots
30 efx shots
6 Battery Sampler Patches
46 NNXT Sampler Patches
46 EXS24 Sampler Patches
46 KONTAKT Sampler Patches